We specialise in fixing up existing FileMaker databases and of course we can design a custom database from scratch. We have over 10 years experience with FileMaker.

We are FileMaker Consultants, Developers and Trainers based in Bali but we have clients in Australia.

If your company has a FileMaker Pro database that is not working properly, we may be able to fix it so it works just like you want it to. We can create a no-frills database that fits your budget. If you need something special, we can create a perfect FileMaker solution that does exactly what you want.
 For more detail, please visit my web page http://www.melaleucaprojects.com

Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression, including music, literature, film, photography, sculpture, and paintings. The meaning of art is explored in a branch of philosophy known as aesthetics.
The definition and evaluation of art has become especially problematic since the early 20th century. Richard Wollheim distinguishes three approaches: the Realist, whereby aesthetic quality is an absol

A lot of leaders are uncomfortable with the word “care.” Does a manager really have to care about subordinates to get them to do the job they are paid to do? The answer is “no.”
You can get people to do what they are paid to do by using all sorts of manipulative tactics. You could easily tell employees that if they do not get a task done, you will give them a negative performance appraisal, and that, in turn, will make them ineligible for the next round of raises. That may work. Or you may have employees who do “exactly what you tell them to do.” What you will not have is a workforce that is motivated to do whatever it takes to get the job done. Why? Because you do not care about them. Their level of care for you as an individual, or your success as a manager, is lacking because of their limited relationship

8 Steps to Becoming the Leader You’ve Always Wanted to Be

True leaders understand that success does not depend on their titles, but on the values they uphold and the choices they make on a daily basis. They know that leadership is not achieved through technical expertise, but rather is based on a relationship with their followers. It is our hope that the following insights will help you with the “relationship savvy” you need to be a great supervisor, and an outstanding leader.
  1. Acknowledge that the world is rapidly changing.
    You can decide that you are going to help create change and learn from it, or you can try to resist change. The current state of the economy is proof that it is important to change. Managers and employees alike will need to remove themselves from their comfort zones, whatever those may be, to enable their organization to survive the economy and come out on top.

Building Trust with Your Supervisor and Your Employees

A Key to Leadership
Whether you are a new or seasoned manager, building trust with your employees and your supervisor is critical to your ability to get things done. Some people in every organization have clout. Clout can be defined as the ability to influence others to get things done. Others in organizations do not have this same ability. Why? The answer may boil down to the level of trust others have in you and your ability to get things done.
The following are seven suggestions that will help you build trust with your supervisor and your employees:

  1. Do what you say you are going to do.
    This suggestion probably offers you the fastest path to trustworthiness. Do you do what you say you are going to do? If you tell someone you are going to do something, write it down so you don’t forget and then do it. If you tell

Will They Stay? Or, Will They Stray?:
What Matters Most to Employees

It's not uncommon for employees today to "shop" for the best offer when looking for a new job. Given the low unemployment rate, a robust economy, and stiff competition for technically talented workers, the applicant today has a lot of bargaining power. For example, a human resources manager recently shared with us that in order to hire the preferred candidate, the company had to offer a signing bonus. That in itself is not unusual, but this candidate was interviewing for an administrative assistant position! (Signing bonuses have been typically limited to top management and specialized technical positions.)

Keeping good employees has never been tougher. When a disgruntled employee says today, "Hey, I can get a job across the street tomorrow. They'll pay me more, too!," they are most likely right. Wise leaders know that it is no easy task to attract and then retain great

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